Have you ever received emails or tagged in fb about making money through the internet? seeing friends with pictures of them with cash all over them? Don't get me wrong, I am not into that stuff and I am not suggesting that you get into that stuff. Maybe it is just me, but have you ever where that money is coming from? or is that thing even real? I just can't believe that by just signing into facebook you can earn sone RM. Money don't just grow on trees and I doubt that fb is giving all that money. Everything is shady, if there is such a thing, there is no complete guide or agreement. If you are interested, you need to pm some guy/gal and then he will contact you back.
Then he/she does not explain anything, they will just show you "proof"(which I still doubt) showing how much they make per annum/month. when a person is hooked, that person needs to ppay some sort of registration and then money will start flowing.
Okay, let me be honest, I was interested in such a thing but I never register. I was afraid that this is all is just s scam. Any of you guys out there tried these sort of stuff?
sigh, I pity the ones who read my blog
Location:Jalan Kenanga 1/12,Melaka,Malaysia
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